Gun enthusiasts have a new place to shop in Colby, the Colby Country Trader, located at the intersection of Court and Fourth in the building that used to house CrossFit.
The store opened its doors April 14, and owner Lance Bolyard said he believes the business will draw people to this progressive community.
Bolyard grew up south of Bird City, but he has called Colby home since 2005. He serves on the city council and is a volunteer firefighter.
The community builds the company,” he said, adding that he plans to expand his store’s offerings to meet his customer’s needs.

Colby’s store carries new guns but also sells used guns, adding a sense of history and nostalgia for customers. They may see something their grandpa used to shoot or something they remember using as a youngster, said Bolyard. He likes providing that sense of history for people, as well as helping them find rare and limited edition items, some of which he carries in the store.
Inventory is always changing, he said, so something a customer sees in the store today may not be here next week or something new might be in its place.
Bolyard, who carries his own handgun in a holster on his belt, believes in helping youngsters learn to respect firearms and teaching people to be responsible with their guns.
The store at 280 E Fourth St in Colby is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday-Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Customers can contact the store at 785-460-0476 or